My child, I ask My children where is your refuge? Is your refuge in worldly pleasures or in My Most Sacred Heart? I spoke to My children of the cold that is going to come forth, but I tell you now about the wind that will come forth and followed will be fire. The winds will come across the plains of America and in the heart of this nation will be an earthquake that will divide this country in a greater way.
China will send forth its army and Russia will join its enemy to seek to rule over this nation of freedom. In the East where this statue of freedom dwells the cities will be blackened. In the islands will come forth a mountain that will spring forth disruption in the sea and send forth a wall of water that will cause lands to wash away and a new coastline to form.
The seven continents of the world will be at war as the financial collapse will one by one bring nation upon nation to its knees. Following this cold will be a heat at a time when the world should be sleeping in winter’s covering.
Listen My children for it is time to awaken from your slumber for the wind will appear to be changing from every direction that can only come from the hand of My Father. I call you to this time of mercy. I call you to the Eucharist for I am Jesus. I come to prepare you in warning that time is being wasted and your life is precious. Now go forth My children and live in love, live in peace, live in the truth for then you live in Me. Now go forth for I am Jesus and My mercy and justice will prevail.
My child, I come to you and say that a plague will come across Russia and spread through Europe like fire. An army of men will surround the seat of where My son the Pope sits and seek to bring the demise of My Church but I say to you do not weep for the darkness will never conquer My Church for the light of truth will always prevail.
It is time to light your lamp stands My children and allow the light of truth to ignite the dwindling flame that is in your heart. All things of this life that are of the world are only temporal but may grant you eternal consequences if you do not take greater heed to the state of your soul. Look to your Mother My children, My Mother for she has come to light the way to her Son for I am Jesus.
Recite the Rosary, meditate on the mysteries most especially of My passion. Even as these storms come and the winds change and death is imminent it is I Jesus who awaits your coming with My mercy. I came for you, I died for you, and now I call you to live in Me by living the life you were created to do.
Now go forth and rejoice in the love of your King for the light of your Savior is about to announce Himself upon the world in a way that has never been seen before for I am coming to remove the weeds and allow the wheat to flourish in a greater way. Now go forth in My love for I am Jesus the King of mercy for it is My mercy and justice that will prevail.
My child, I come to My children to tell them that this thirty days of prayer is an invitation not an ultimatum. I do not give ultimatums that if these thirty days, thirty hours of prayer is not executed that the hand of justice is imminent rather I call you to accept this invitation as an act of mercy for the world, for the lukewarm, for the unjust.
Do you see My children that I came out of love for you? I suffered the wounds of My passion for you. I do not call you out of sacrifice; rather I call you out of love to draw you in a closer way into the depths of My divine love. To infuse upon you a greater understanding of My love for you. To spend one hour with the one who created you, with a greater understanding than you have of yourself because I created you for Me in My image and likeness. It is sin My children that brings forth destruction. One by one I call you. One by one I mold you and infuse in you a greater awareness of My presence in your mind, body, but most importantly your soul. Come to Me for I am Jesus and My mercy and justice will prevail.
My child, nature responds to nature. I bring forth My hand to calm the seas, to calm the winds and bring forth the summer rains. I tell you this My children, nature responds to nature for even the animals heed to My commands. Just as a mother knows when to protect her child and heeds to keep her children from harm so do the animals heed to earth’s rumblings and respond by preparing to go to their place of refuge.
I ask you again My children are you listening? Are your eyes focused on your Master? Are you looking to take My hand and trust in Me? Come to Me and do not allow your eyes to be taken off of Me for I am Jesus. Live the Gospel message and learn like little children.
Take heed to the lives of the saints. Just as Peter took his eyes off Me and began to sink for he lost sight of the gift that I was giving him at that time. Do not question, just trust and allow Me to move hearts and souls through you by your witnessing and example.
I tell you this, that the dome of the sky will turn red, the trees will be without their leaves at a time when they should be producing fruit, and the communications will come to a halt as the disruption below the earth continues to spring forth.
Keep your eyes on Me for the world is the water in which you will sink and swallow you up like a rivers rage but that is where you must trust. Continuously recite the words’ “Jesus I trust in You!” for by saying these words you have then placed your hand in Mine and through you I can magnify My light to the world at a time when it seems as though darkness is prevailing. Now go forth My children and find peace in your hearts for I am the King of mercy and it is My mercy and justice that will prevail.
I plead My daughter! I plead! I plead for the prayers of My children at a time when the tears of mercy are pouring out of My crucified body. The tears of blood and water are emanating now more than ever from My Most Sacred Heart.
I call out to My children and yet few heed to My requests. I send My Mother and yet her words fall upon deaf ears and callused hearts. Oh awaken My sleeping children for your Father in heaven is calling out to you, if you only could see the treasure that awaits you in heaven.
I have already come and have already looked within the chalice. I have already paid the price of redemption for you. Rise up and look within the chalice of your soul and repent. Change your hearts for it is I Jesus who came out of love and now comes out of love again for My love is unending, unconditional.
It is love and love alone that I came as a victim soul but you My children do not have to become a victim of your own soul. Accept My mercy and turn to Me and I will infuse upon your soul peace that can only come from Me and bring you at the time I have appointed for you since the moment I created you to the treasure that awaits you in heaven. Now go forth and live in My light for I am Jesus the King of mercy and My mercy and justice will prevail.
My child, I say to My people be open to life. Be open to the life that I give you by doing My will. Be open to life by allowing the life that I create inside of you to come forth and live the mission I intended for that soul. Do you see My children that each and every child is a magnification of its mother and father and it only magnifies your eternal Father?
That is why I say to you, be open to life for the more you allow My light to come forth in that child the greater My light shines and the greater glory and honor you are bringing back to your Heavenly Father. Only I can bring forth life for I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Come to Me and understand who I am, your Creator, Messiah, and King.
It was not just the lukewarm I saw within the chalice, I am Jesus your Master, your friend, I saw every time you wept and I wept for you. I saw every time you would fail to trust in Me and every time you came back to My mercy and you brought Me consolation. I am not a foreign God, I laugh with you, I weep each time you suffer but again I say to you come to Me and just trust.
You are a creature born with the sin of Adam and Eve and yet too many of you only trust yourself, rather I say to you, trust the one who came and granted you a place at My banquet table. The world did not give you your reservation at My table, rather it leaves you at the table of emptiness on earth through worldly temptations.
Do you see My children Satan does not need to wait for you in hell if he has already trapped you on earth. Come, take My hand and find refuge in Me for the Eucharist is your refuge. It is when you are open to Me and consume Me that I carry you to heaven through the graces I give you.
Live your mission dear children repent and turn back and let the God who gave you life in this life be the God who brings you to eternal life by surrendering all trust in Me. Now go forth for I am Jesus and be at peace for My mercy and justice will prevail.
My chosen sons, rise up and take hold of the mission you have been called to do. At a time when your sheep are straying further and further into the darkness. It is not the hour to be counting the money at the table or seeking out those who can bring money into My Church for I tell you this, if you are drawing the sheep closer to the Shepherd all things will fall into place.
The time is coming My sons when your sheep will come running and they will be running to you from every city and valley, young and old, and you must be prepared for you hold the keys to use your voice and hands to cure the sick by placing your hands on them. By freeing those who have strayed away through one of the greatest miracles that transforms one at a time in the confessional.
You are bringing souls to understand what it truly means to be humble and holy. Speak the truth! Speak the truth! Speak the truth for I tell you that I send you these tormented souls. Take time to listen as a good physician for you stand as My representative administering to your flock.
I have entrusted these souls in your care. Live out today the vows of your priesthood. My hand will guide you for you are My chosen one, My chosen son for I am Jesus and My mercy and justice will prevail.
My child, My peace be with you. I say to My children pray, and pray from your heart. Speak to Me as your friend, your confidant for I see all, know all, and provide all that benefits your soul that leads you to heaven. Do not worry about others for worrying is time that is wasted, rather I tell you to pray for them. Even if they have turned away from My light it is not of Me for you to torture your soul over those who torture their own soul by refusing My mercy for even I cannot remain in a place that I am not welcome.
Hearts must be open and souls must be pure. I tell you My children that the darkness will be extinguished and the light of truth will pierce the hearts of all mankind in a way that has never been seen before. The hand of justice has been raised and again I say to you that the sheath of the sword has been removed and My angels have taken their positions at their appointed places.
Look to My Mother My children for she is here amongst you lighting the way for humanity to come home to her son for I am Jesus the King of mercy and My mercy and justice will prevail.
My child, I ask My children why do you fight with one another? Why do you seek to obtain peace and believe that you conquer it with war? I say to My children, you cannot find victory in heaven if you are spending your time on earth seeking to be the hand of justice and not the heart of mercy.
You are not merciful if your actions are seeking to be just. Listen My children, listen to your Master. You must begin to look at one another with eyes of love and that love begins with Me. Come to Me and let Me purify you for true humility begins at home in your soul.
How quickly do you listen and how quickly do you speak seeking to justify your thoughts on others? Each and every day My children you should be seeking heaven through your words and deeds. Through mercy will come forth humility. Pray today My children and do not give up hope for I came as one of you so that you may obtain the greatest treasure for your soul.
Do not dwell upon your past sins for your mission is to strive for holiness by not allowing your sinfulness to keep your soul from seeking the light. I come to you with a blessing from the Trinity for We do not dwell apart. I gave witness to this at My baptism in the Jordan and you My children receive great graces through your baptism.
I spoke to those who came to Me during My time on earth that those who asked for mercy received mercy and to sin no more. I knew that it was only through the sacrifice of My Body and Blood that humanity could sustain itself by receiving Me in the Eucharist. Take hold of the Scriptures My children of the Gospel message.
I give you all that is necessary to obtain heaven. Wars will rise up, the earth will rock and tremble, the lightning will give way to the thunder. I will make My presence known for I shall return and awaken My children in the desert and the flowers will grow where the cactus once stood.
I shall cast the prince of darkness into his chamber of hell where he and his inhabitants will be for all eternity never to return to this world again. I do not abandon My creation My children and I do not desire for you to abandon your King for eternity is forever. Now go forth and live in My light for I am Jesus the light of the world and My mercy and justice will prevail.
My child, there are many abortions that are being done all around this world. I do not just speak of abortion in the womb. I speak of those who are aborting their responsibilities to tend to their children and bring them back to Me.
Each and every soul is a gift. Life is the greatest gift for it is the design of your heavenly Father. It is part of the imprint of the divine Plan. I ask My children do you desire to alter the divine Plan? The core of humanity is being stripped away. Who comes and consoles these tortured little ones being executed in the womb? I tell you this, it is I Jesus and My Mother and the little ones’ guardian angel that come.
Who comes to these lost children on earth who have been permitted to live but their souls are lost because the ones who have been appointed to guide them abort their obligations to seek to fulfill their own will instead of mine?
Pray for the children My daughter for these are the souls that truly suffer My Crucifixion. Pray for their mothers and fathers and place them all in your prayers under the consecration of My Most Sacred Heart. I tell My children to open their eyes for I see and hear the prayers of My faithful and soon their prayers will be answered for I am coming My faithful ones, I am coming for I am Jesus the King of mercy and My mercy and justice will prevail.
My children, I am pleased with those who have heeded to the request of my son Jesus to pray 30 days before the Blessed Sacrament. What graces come to those who adore my son and offered their prayers to him in union with others who are praying all around this world:
I tell you today my children to continue to come and pray for I as your mother will teach you how to give greater glory to your heavenly Father. As great unrest continues to grow throughout the world let peace grow in your heart in a greater way by taking refuge in my son Jesus.
The path of Satan is growing wider and I have come as your heavenly mother to keep you on the path to heaven by teaching you that it is only through the way of my son that humanity can have peace. You must let go of what you seek to control and what controls you that keeps you from walking in the light of God.
Come my children and let me guide you closer to my son through the Rosary and the Eucharist. It is by staying close to the Sacraments and fasting that you will find your soul embraced by heavens light. Be at peace my children for I am your heavenly mother calling out to each one of you dear children.
My child, the devil is enraged now more than ever. He seeks out his victims without rest never ceasing to destroy what he can to conquer what he wants. I say to My children you have great power over him and it is through Me, for I am Jesus; through the Eucharist; through reconciliation.
So many seek out miracles to heal their families, to heal the sick, the possessed, I say to My children that the greatest miracle is before you each and every day and it is My mercy. My mercy is what transforms the soul and makes it new. Too many today exult themselves before the world and fail to humble themselves before their King!
The path to holiness is a walk of humility for pride is the instrument of evil. You cannot reconcile yourself before your Father if you are still seeking out control of your own commandments instead of Mine. I tell you My children that the unraveling of the world will continue as the earth responds to the depth of man's sins.
The dams of water will break sending towns in its path to be no more. As the earth trembles with greater rage, mankind will struggle to rebuild because what once was a place of footing is now of ash. I call out to you as your true Shepherd that your refuge is in Me.
The floodgates of justice have opened and your only refuge is in My mercy. Be thanking your heavenly Father for this time of purification for mankind would not survive if your heavenly Father did not intervene out of great love and mercy. Take heed to your soul for you are My children and My heart renders to be with you. Now go forth and embrace Me in your love for I am Jesus and My mercy and justice will prevail.
My child, I call My children to prepare for this time of Lent that is upon them in a deeper way. I ask My children for the favor to pray for My chosen sons, to pray for the Holy Father for one hour each Thursday of Lent. I especially ask that those who can offer one hour before Me in the Blessed Sacrament for My priests to pray for their continued protection; to pray for their continued vigilance in drawing souls closer to Me at a time when they are on the verge of greater persecutions for being defenders of the Commandments.
I call My children to a time of abandonment, a time to abandon the things that distract you from immersing yourselves in greater prayer and greater intimacy with your Savior. The light to salvation is by way of the Eucharist, by way of reconciliation, so that you do not become the victim of your own sins. Now go forth for I am Jesus and be at peace for My mercy and justice will prevail.
My child, I ask My children how long can you surrender? How long can you surrender your soul to the world and allow it to disintegrate? My children I come to you now and ask you if you knew your one mission on earth was to save the soul of your neighbor would you seek out to save it?
There are many today that define themselves by where they live or the color of their skin. Even I Jesus was defined on the cross as a Nazarene. I did not just come for the Nazarene’s, I came for all of humanity. I came for those of every nation, town and village. I came for every color of skin because I am every color of skin.
No soul is exempt from My mercy it is only the soul that refuses it that exempts himself from eternal life with Me. Look at your neighbor, your brother or sister with eyes of love and a heart of mercy. How do you come to Mass seeking out the mercy of your King if you fail to be merciful to those around you?
I say to you that love has no restrictions or conditions placed upon it. You cannot love your Lord and Savior with all your heart, mind and soul if you cannot see Me in each and every soul that you encounter. If you see evil in them then allow Me to be the just judge but I desire your prayers to be for Me to come to that soul as the merciful King.
If you live your life as an instrument of mercy then that mercy will be given to you. Go forth dear children and prepare your hearts for Lent. Go away to the desert for it is in the desert that I shall return and awaken a world that has fallen away from the truth. Be at peace and in the end you will triumph in mercy for finding victory in bringing just one soul to Me for I am Jesus and My mercy and justice will prevail.
My child, I shall come and remove the barriers. It will be a time when I will call My children one by one and remove the blindness that they have come to live by and pierce them with the light of truth into their souls. The driving winds will come and bring forth a drought of confusion upon My people as chaos over food and water erupts all over the world.
Many will be deceived as the Antichrist brings forth his recipe of deception as many will be drawn out of desperation and will fall into these wicked hands. I tell you My children to remain true to the cross for your only refuge will be in Me for I am Jesus. From East to West the chaos will spread as the currency from one government to the next will crumble as debts come to be paid.
Nations will take over other nations and currency will change. Rivers will rise above their banks as a result of the great shaking of the earth that will raise people from their sleep. Surrender today for your true home is in heaven. I call out to you to embrace you in love and immerse you in the great fountain of My mercy for I am Jesus and My mercy and justice will prevail.
My child, one single person can affect many and many can affect one single person. I ask My children can you begin today, this hour to surrender your ways and seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit? My children, I ask you that as this earth continues to rock and tremble, are you being blind to the signs? Are you denying the signs and believe that the world will return to the way it once was?
Change is upon you My children and greater change is coming for the course of humanity is no longer mitigated. It is those who seek to hold back the hand of justice are the warriors of prayer who plead to the heart of My mercy.
What seems to be a world away is right at the foot of your door! The oceans may be far and wide but what happens on one side of the ocean can ripple throughout the world and bring millions to their hour of judgment. I tell you My children your denial of My true presence does not bring your soul into the light. It only barricades your soul in darkness and confusion.
Take heed today dear children for what may be here today may be taken tomorrow. I am coming and gathering the remnant of those who have heeded to the truth for I am Jesus, the way, the truth, and the life for it is My mercy and justice that will prevail.
My child, I call out to My children, yet My pleas fall on deaf ears. The earth trembles and few heed to the signs until it is on their doorstep. Hearts have become cold to the suffering of one’s neighbor. Where am I to go, My daughter, when even those who serve within the walls of My Church have placed a wall around their mission in being My servant of servants?
Why do My children wait until My tears of blood and water roll down the mountain tops and cover the valleys and plains? Why do My children not seek the victory that I have won for them and instead seek temporal victory on Earth? I am coming My daughter for I can no longer hold back the hand of justice. I can no longer plead for My children to repent when few heed to My request.
I hear the cries of My faithful and I am coming to heed to their request for mercy and justice. My mother has pleaded before you and has come to prepare the world. My children it was within her womb that the One who commands nature was brought forth to free man from his sin. I say to you My children that nature has been commanded by the same hands that suffered the wounds that save you from your sins for I am Jesus. Now go forth for it is My mercy and justice that will prevail.
My child, I weep today for My children. So many sit by and passively wait for another sign to come down from heaven. I tell you My children if you knew what was on the horizon you would be down on your knees invoking the mercy of your Savior to withhold the justice of the Father.
I weep today My children! Who can console Me when so few heed to My mercy? So many surrender themselves to a perishing world and abstain themselves from the truth, from the Commandments, and from My mercy. Oh how it pleases Me when even one hardened sinner repents and consoles Me with their tears of joy for My mercy being poured out upon them.
Come dear children and pray the Rosary. Pray and fast for I am Jesus and My mercy and justice will prevail.
My child, Where are My children? Many ask where I am in times of devastation; yet I say to My children, where am I in your times of joy, happiness in your day? My children I am here right beside you if you listen in silence. I do not abandon even the most hardened sinner for it is his sinfulness and lack of repentance that separates him from Me.
I created the moon, the stars, the sea, and all the things that man habitats in to work in harmony with the divine plan. It is not the universe that has altered the plan for man, rather it is man and his lack of repentance that has altered the course of the universe. You can only seek out the role of being your own god while on this earth and I warn you My children that you are then hindering obedience to My Commandments.
Come take My hand for without Me you have nothing for I am Jesus. Behold the hour that you are in for areas will witness a summer that will never take place for after a time of what appears to be spring, winter will return. As I have told you I have commanded nature. Which God do you seek to serve for I am Jesus, the way, the truth, and the life?
Thirty days My children, thirty days. When you see thirty days of rain, know that the time of My visitation is not far in the distance for I am Jesus and My mercy and justice will prevail.
My child, My peace be with you. I come to My children in mercy and love. I come as your teacher for I am Jesus. My children, in this time of Lent I ask you to have a good examination of conscience.
When you look at others are you casting stones of judgment or are you rendering a heart of mercy and compassion? When you speak of others are your words in a way that is bringing forth the desire for ones sanctification? When do you see Me My children? Do you only see Me at Mass or is the distraction of others hindering your eyes and heart to focus on Me? Do you hear My words or do you hear My voice patiently awaiting your prayers?
I call out to you My children to be instruments of holiness; to respond to the call and not delay out of fear. This world continues to turn inside out, but you My children have the ability to overcome the chaos around you, to live each day as one of My disciples.
Live in the truth dear children for then you live in Me. Each day, each hour your time to be called to eternity is closer than the day and hour before. Now go forth and be My light to those who wander in darkness for I am Jesus and My mercy and justice will prevail.
My child, My peace be with you. I tell My children, look to the signs but do not become paralyzed by them, rather allow them to be your guide that with each passing sign you are coming closer to your King for I am Jesus.
Heaven is warning humanity that the cycle of the earth has become distorted and it is only through repentance that the cycle can be restored. I tell you My children do not become paralyzed in your way of living, for some they stop and can no longer live out of fear something greater is coming and for others they do not heed to the signs being given.
Who will be the foolish virgins? They are those who do not take heed and their time of mercy will be no more. Live My children, live with a conscience that is in harmony with the warnings of mercy being sent from your merciful Savior.
The lamb is crying out My children, the lamb is crying out to repent! Repent! Repent for I am Jesus and My mercy and justice will prevail.
My child, when will My children learn from the mistakes of Adam and Eve? The fire of justice is about to fall down upon humanity and breathe forth a wave of change that will change the course of survival for mankind.
I weep tears of blood for I no longer see a repentant world, but a world that is bound for complete destruction. Many seek to compete with one another to see who is the greatest one. I say to you if being the greater one causes you to lose your soul to the fires of hell then the greatest thing that you have achieved is eternal damnation.
I say again My children repent for the hour has and continues to close in for the time of mercy is now for I am Jesus the King of mercy and it is My mercy and justice that will prevail.
My child, I look down upon My children and I weep. I pour out My mercy and yet the lukewarm continue to multiply. There is a lack of reverence, lack of true penance and My wounds begin to bleed. Who comes to console Me? Who comes before Me in adoration, in thanksgiving of the gift that I give to them which is life?
I look down upon My Church and as I am calling My faithful they turn and run away because of the sins of some of My priests. Come back My children, come back for I am your true Shepherd for I am Jesus. Come and let My mercy heal your wounds as you heal mine by consoling Me with your love.
As you move into this time where My Church prepares to unite to the sufferings of My Passion, unite your sufferings to Mine for I do not abandon My children; rather I embrace those who come to the fountain of My mercy. Pray for My priests, My faithful ones. Pray for those who remain and those who have left to embrace the promises of a world that only leaves them a mantle of emptiness. Enter into the stages of My Passion for I am Jesus and My mercy and justice will prevail.
My child, My peace be with you. I come to ask My children does the shadow of your own sinfulness withhold you from receiving My mercy? Do you embrace your faith with an open heart or is your own lack of faith keep you wandering into an empty world?
Come My children, come to Me for I am Jesus. Embrace My mercy for you then encompass the power of the Trinity. You become benefactors of the victory in which I have won for you for I am Jesus. I saw the sins that shadow you within the Chalice, but I say to you now is the time for you to embrace the light.
Live out today as a new beginning. Recognize your mission and that through your Baptism you have been given the healing power of My love. Go forth today as an instrument of My love to those who come into your path, each and every human being. As I have told you, their eyes will be opened by your witnessing and example for I am Jesus and My mercy and justice will prevail.
My child, each and every soul enters into the garden before they come to their eternal resting place. I say to you do not be fooled, My children, for the same serpent that tempted Adam and Eve is the same one who tempted Me in the desert and in the garden of Gethsemane. You are not immune to the same temptations and the key to overcoming these temptations is by staying close to the Sacraments for I am Jesus.
The only means by which mankind can come to My Father and not face the hand of His justice is through Me for I am the bridge of mercy for I am Jesus. Come take My hand during this time when you shall begin to unite your suffering to Mine.
Enter into the stages of My Passion with a prayerful heart that is striving to bring to Me a great multitude of souls. Now go forth in peace for I am Jesus and My mercy and justice will prevail.
My child, I come to you during this hour of My mercy because I am weeping for justice. I look down upon a starving world because so many are hungering and yet they do not nourish themselves in the right way. My children, turn to the Eucharist for you then receive Me and nourish your body and soul in a way that brings you fully into the Divine Plan.
Come My children and heed in a greater way to My mercy for I came as an intercessor between mankind and My Father for I am the bridge of mercy. The ways of the world are Satan's temptations before you because he only has the world to use as his kingdom, but I say to you come to understand that your true home is in heaven. Your time is now and I call out to you today to repent and live today for the kingdom of heaven tomorrow for I am Jesus and My mercy and justice will prevail.
My child, I am the forsaken one amongst My people. Still today I see a world seeking the forbidden fruit. I say to My children, the time has come for you to live in the truth of what I know and see and not what you want others to see for I am Jesus.
The winds of destruction are here for the tears of mercy are flowing and when you begin to see the earth shaking in Jerusalem know that the time of My visitation is not far in the distance. My children, you must learn obedience for there is a lack of obedience to the Divine plan and it is by way of My people not following My Commandments.
There are two kinds of self love. There is a self love that only promotes the soul into a pattern of emptiness and continued self seeking by living in a way that does not permit the soul to grow and be guided by the Holy Spirit, rather it thrives from one course of self destruction after another until it reaches judgment before Me. The other self love is the soul that knows it can only benefit itself by total surrender to the Father by embracing the Son and being guided by the Holy Spirit. It is a self love that has genuineness for striving to be holy by way of obedience and suffering.
Love My children, love today by seeking the light of truth for I am Jesus and My mercy and justice will prevail.
My child, I come to My children and ask them who is your God? Whose voice is it that you are listening to? I say to My children, rise up and repent for too many are slumbering and I urge you My children, to not wait to awaken on your day of judgment.
I am speaking to the world My children, to all of humanity. I am speaking to you in the wind and the rains for even the oceans are beckoning for My children to turn away from sin. The earth is crying out for nature responds to the commands of heaven. At a time of planting your harvest will be limited.
You cannot expect the course of the universe to be on the cycle of producing fruit when you seek to silence the voice of the One who is the giver and taker of each and every living thing for I am Jesus. Look My children with open eyes and an open heart for it is the heart that drives the will, not the will that drives the heart.
It is My heart My children that gave Me the strength out of total love for you, that gave Me the will to suffer My Passion, Death and Resurrection. Turn to prayer and fasting. Turn to the Eucharist for I desire to nourish your malnourished souls for I am Jesus, the way, the truth, and the life.
Watch My children and listen for you are soon to witness the great splendor of the universe to be shown to you in a way that can only come forth from My Father for it is My mercy and justice that will prevail.
My child, I have remained in silence watching My children wither to the ways of the world. My silence is no longer, for nature has awakened for as I have warned My children, earthquakes will come and in the middle of America it will come from the north and tremble to the south and many masses will come and stand before Me while the other masses cry out for My mercy.
Where are you My children? I ask you at the end of your time on this earth what do you bring before Me? Many cry out that they have no time to pray, no time to come before Me, yet I say to you is your business the things of the world or do you offer these things to Me as small penances?
Take heed My children! Take heed to the time which you are given, for one does not return to the day that was just given to them. Now go forth and heed to what lies before you for I call you now to a time of conversion for I am Jesus and My mercy and justice will prevail.
My child, this is a call My children to come before Me in the Blessed Sacrament for five days proceeding the Sunday after Pentecost. I call My children to let this be a time of prayer to the Holy Spirit, to guide you so that you may persevere in faith in time to come. Come and mend My wounds by healing yours to become disciples of the truth.
The world My children has become a harbor of evil but you can rise above the darkness by being ambassadors of the light for I am Jesus. There is much unrest in your hearts but do not wither, rather let this be a time of prayer not only for yourselves but for your children and families.
My children, let Me resolve the unjust in this world for it is a time for you to tell the world about My mercy. Come and join your heart to Mine by total surrender to your Heavenly Father. Now go forth in peace and love in My name for it is My mercy and justice that will prevail.
My child, it is My desire for you through the permission of your director, to release to the world My words of love to you on the third day of each month. Now go forth in peace for I am Jesus.
My child, the time for change is now. The time of harvest is not far in the distance and yet what am I to harvest if hearts are not prepared to allow Me to take refuge? My people cry out for justice at a time they should be embracing the abundance of mercy that I am pouring out all over this world.
When mankind chooses his way it will only rebel against him. When mankind chooses evil it will come. The time of change is here. Do not wait for greater turmoil to come throughout the world. The only boundaries that come between mankind and My mercy is his own failure to take heed to it.
Divine means all, My children. You receive all of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Embrace the Divine plan for you must let go of the things of this world that do not fill your soul. If you seek out work so as to earn the wages necessary to nourish your body then why do you not seek out the same nourishment for your soul which is the Eucharist?
Your body may be good and strong but your soul is empty and is seeking out in ways that will only starve it further. Fast, My children, and nourish your soul at a time when you are being tested by the spirits. I tell you that your true nourishment is through the Divine for I am Jesus.
If your body is weak then I say come to Me and I will give you strength. Is your faith in the world that continues to erupt in greater chaos and confusion or is it in Me for I am the Way, the Truth and the Life? I am the Divine for I am Jesus and it is My mercy and justice that will prevail.
My child, I am calling all hearts to be open to the truth for I am Jesus. My children are restless because their hearts and minds seek peace yet they are searching out for peace in the world and peace can only come from your heavenly Father.
Your refuge is coming My children, for it is time to prepare your hearts for the time of My visitation and the way in which you prepare your hearts is through My way of simplification. Too many are consumed by a world that does not free you to take time to pray and fast.
The world consumes you in a way that does not permit you to be silent to let My voice speak. Too many are seeking comfort in a way that is leading them to sin and their souls are not prepared to meet Me. I tell you My children, in love and warning that what is taking place in Africa will spread throughout the world. As the winter winds blow forth the snow will come and cities and towns will not be seen as a great cold will come that has not plagued mankind before and will not cease for a great period of time.
China will push forward making a greater presence upon America as the change of power and currency begins to come forth. It is a time to unite yourselves in prayer with those who strive for holiness.
I will come to those who gather in numbers in My name and bestow My heavenly graces upon them. Now go forth in being My instrument of love and peace for I am Jesus and all will be done according to My will.
My child, I say to My children, embrace on Earth what awaits you in heaven for I am Jesus. It is time to prepare your hearts today for the awakening of tomorrow. How are you preparing My children? And what are you preparing for?
Are you preparing for your time on Earth by storing up earthly treasures that remain here to wither and disintegrate or are you preparing your soul and the souls of your children. Your children will lack direction if you are wandering in the darkness. Come My children, for My love and mercy are bountiful.
Each time you cleanse your soul you are magnifying My creation for your hands, heart and feet are an imprint of your heavenly Father. If you could open your eyes, My children, and realize that you will acquire greater reward in heaven than anything you acquire on earth that is of the world.
I came in love and I come in love now to bring My children to the tabernacle of truth for I am Jesus, the Way, the Truth and the Life for My mercy and justice will prevail.
My daughter, I come to tell my children that the way to my son is through the Eucharist for I am your Heavenly Mother.
My child, I tell you that man is the greatest obstacle unto himself. Many men have perished My child, for they have become entangled in lies and deceit and pride and greed have conquered their souls. The prevailing winds will usher forth as the great collapse comes forth, the collapse of money, governments, and nations.
Mountainsides, bridges will come crumbling as the ash covers the lands. My children do not allow your souls to become victimized by evil. I came for you in love and mercy and the only thing that compromises you from being in eternal happiness is your free will not to choose to live My Commandments.
The time of mercy is now for the world around you is crumbling. You keep seeking comfort in your tomorrows that may not come. Live in the day, the hour by being My servant of servants. Each and every hour you come closer to your time on earth to be no more.
Your true home is in heaven and that is why I faced My Crucifixion so that you do not have to be separated from Me. Do not deprive your soul of living in eternal light by keeping it covered in the darkness of sin. Repent today and remove the filth that has filtered in. Come to Me My children for I am Jesus and My mercy and justice will prevail.
My child, I say to My children do not cast judgment upon others. Let your tongues speak words of love and mercy. Let your words be spoken in a way that allows others to see Me in you.
Your judgments of others is as good as you standing upon the beach and commanding the seas to be calm. Commanding the sun to not rise and the moon to not shine. Do you see My children your voice has no merit in speaking judgments on another anymore than your voice having merit to command nature to respond to your words?
Judgment is reserved to your Heavenly Father. Do not step ahead My children for the world is soon to awaken to the one whose voice commands the seas to be calm, whose voice commands the sun and moon and the stars.
I am that voice My children for I am Jesus. My voice will no longer be silent for the earth has been instructed. My creation follows the direction of heaven and My angels have been positioned. My mother has been sent and through her Immaculate love has drawn seas of her children to the heart of her son, Divine Mercy. I am calling My children to flee to My Most Sacred Heart for it is only there that you will find refuge. Now go forth in haste for I am Jesus and My mercy and justice will prevail.
My child, the cold air is coming. As the winter winds usher forth you will see a freeze in the markets across the world. The truth will be seen by each and every soul of the greed that has filtered into man’s way of living. I will be the means by which true simplification will come forth and the only way in which hearts can be restored is by turning to My mercy for I am Jesus.
Live your lives My children for eternity. Live in the truth to live in eternal happiness. What one measures himself to on earth is not equal in heaven for your measurement comes by not only living My Commandments but by defending them which is one in the same. One does not come without the other. The only way in which your brothers and sisters became saints in heaven is by seeking to be one on earth.
Your crosses must be accepted with love and humility. Come My children for I will show you the way. Live the Gospel message for My time on this earth was a blue print for mankind to imitate in his work. Now go forth for I am Jesus your true Shepherd who is calling out to you My children in this time of great mercy that I am pouring out upon My people for it is My mercy and justice that will prevail.
My child, I look down upon this world and see souls rushing here and there for their appointments yet how many are prepared for the time that I have chosen for that soul to leave this earth for eternity. I know your appointed time My children yet many of you are not prepared.
Where are your eyes My children and what are they fixed upon? Where is your heart and what does it yearn for? Where is your mind and are your thoughts of Me for I am Jesus? Where are your ears and what are they listening to? Whose voice do you listen to? I ask you these things not in search of an answer for I am your God who knows all and sees all.
My children, come to Me and let your heart, mind and soul sing praises to your Heavenly Father. Spend an hour in adoration and allow Me to speak to you and love you in a way that mankind cannot. Each hour of adoration you are transforming your soul to move away from a world that strips it, crucifies it, and crowns it with thorns. Come to Me for I will prepare you for eternity. I will fill your soul with peace that can only come from Me for I am Jesus and all will be done according to My will.
My child, I call My children to a time of renewal. A time to change your hearts to conform them to the truth for I am Jesus. My dear children it is the hour to be attentive; to find greater awareness into your mission in this life and to realize that this world is temporary.
My children, the conscience is no longer aware of the soul’s destiny for too many souls are sleeping. The eyes of your body may be open but your soul is no longer seeing the light for it is too covered in the darkness of sin. Changes are coming and as I have told you before they will come as boxcars one after another.
The collapse of your communications will happen and it will be ignited outside of the earth’s atmosphere. As this change springs forth another change will follow. There is an imbalance between mankind and nature. As the earth opens forth her crust and moves with greater persistence, I no longer warn in love, I warn you in love and mercy.
This is a call My children to change your ways for the hand of justice is no longer in the distance but upon you. Evil is spreading in leaps and bounds and you can no longer turn away as in accepting it as the world tells you to, rather you must denounce it through the Sacraments and sacramental’s, by living My Commandments in words and action. Now go forth as My servant of servants for I am Jesus and My mercy and justice will prevail.
My child, My love I am sending down to My children in a way that any good shepherd would do in the way of My mercy. So many graces that go unclaimed because My children settle for themselves to a world that only leads to emptiness. The world is in a rapid cycle of imbalance with its Creator. When the world was created, My children, it was created so that all the plants, animals and waters work in harmony to the Divine Plan.
Man could habitat in the perfection of all that was provided to him by My Father. As the fall of Adam and Eve came forth, the imbalance began. I came to save man from his own sin to bring balance back to My people by way of My mercy. Listen, My children and come to see that as mankind continues to move further and further away from the truth and refuses to accept My mercy, the only means by which balance can return is to prepare the world for the time of My visitation.
The world will only dissolve further and further if mankind continues on the path in which he has chosen by way of his free will. It is time to take heed, My children, to the Gospel message for I am Jesus and My mercy and justice will prevail.
My child, this is not a time to give up hope. When the world appears to be stealing every means of hope you have by way of little work; by the greed that has filtered in and the wicked appearing to be persevering and those who defend the truth are being silenced, I say to you have courage! I am the truth for I am Jesus and I can never be silenced!
I look down upon this world and I watch My children trade their morals for money; their morals for pleasure; their morals for pride and self seeking happiness. It is not the hour to dwell upon what is coming to mankind rather a time to speak the truth even for the sake of being persecuted.
There is a time, My children, to warn in love because changes are far in the distance but the time has come to warn in love and mercy because justice is imminent. Use your voice; use your hands and your minds to do greater work upon this earth.
Do not dwell upon the evil that has multiplied all around this world rather let the wicked have their day of judgment. Be disciples of prayer that brings greater glory and honor to your Heavenly Father. You My children have nothing to fear if you flee now to the heart of My mercy. Now go forth for I am Jesus and be at peace for My mercy and justice will prevail.
My chosen sons, I say to you elevate the Eucharist with great joy. At a time when My Church continues to be persecuted, you My sons, through the help of your heavenly mother, can overcome these persecutions. Humility My sons is the way to salvation. Tell your flocks to be instruments of humility. Tell your flocks to turn to Me in the Eucharist for then true healing begins.
The mark of Satan has filtered into the walls of My Church and it is through you My sons that he will flee at the sound of My name for I am Jesus. It is through your devotion to Divine Mercy that your flock will come to flee to My mercy. Many, many souls will come running and you must be prepared to tend to these souls who have strayed away from the truth for a long time.
Speak to your flock about the Rosary. Teach them the Commandments for too many are living out their own commandments instead of Mine. Open the doors to the confessional for you cannot expect your sheep to come home if the doors to My mercy are closed. Tell My children of My love for them. Tell them, My sons, tell them for many of them do not know. Now go forth and be My witnesses in this dark world for I am Jesus and My mercy and justice will prevail.
My child, so many children are starving not only for food but for love and care. I look down upon the world My child and many question My mercy but I say to you that if mankind continues on the path which he is on he will come to the point of no existence.
Do you see My children the number of My little ones being aborted? Do you see why I tell you that only a small remnant will remain for man is mans greatest enemy. You sin upon one another and with each other and your pleasures are causing you to fall My children. Too many are focused on the events that are coming and ask why would I send My people into an hour of chastisement and fear for the destruction that may come.
It is in your sleepiness My children, that you fear for your own selfish reasons and fail to see the destruction that is happening now. Buildings and temples can be rebuilt but once your soul is judged it is forever. Open your eyes My children for mercy is now and My love is unending. Now go forth for I am Jesus and be at peace for My mercy and justice will prevail.
My child, the world has entered into a historic time. A time when those who are prayerful will find many of their prayers being answered and great graces being bestowed upon them. Those who are seeking to be their own God will find themselves stumbling before they fall.
I tell you My children do not allow moments in your life to define your judgment by way of failing to take heed to My mercy. You are precious My children and My heart bleeds for you. My wounds run deep out of the depth of your sins and the light of My love seeks to pierce you out of the darkness and into the light.
My children I tell you that it is the denial of life that man is destroying himself. You seek to remove Me from everything that comes from Me. It is time My children to open your hearts and let the miracle of My love heal you, anoint you and welcome you into the mantel of Divine Mercy. Now go forth for I am Jesus and be at peace for My mercy and justice will prevail.
My child, I am the hand of mercy. I am the heart of mercy. I am the king of mercy for I am Jesus. My children, do not put limits on My mercy for it is limitless and so are the miracles that come from Me. My people say I am the God of justice and I say to you that is reserved for My Father.
I have come to tell you that I am Divine Mercy and it is through Me that My children obtain heaven. There is no other source but Me for I am Jesus. I am the first, the last, the beginning and the end. Come My children and claim the goodness that awaits you through Me.
The world will offer you everything that is of the world but your soul claims nothing that prepares you for heaven. Come My children and I will prepare you to be My witnesses in the world. I have come to tell you that hearts must change in order for peace to come to mankind.
I am not waiting for you in the distance for I am waiting for you in all the tabernacles in the world. I am waiting for you in adoration. I am waiting for you in the seat of the confessional. Come My children, come for I am Jesus and My mercy and justice will prevail.
My children, many will say to you that things cannot happen for you this way or that way but I tell you that they are not your God. Many said that one man could not save the entire world but I am here to tell you that all the men in the world cannot even save themselves without Me for I am your true Messiah. It is through Me and only through Me that I can bring forth the changes in your life that are necessary and fruitful, trust My children, trust for I am Jesus.
My child, My peace be with you at a time when the world prepares for the celebration of My birth. I call My children to a time of adoration of their King for I am Jesus. A time to come to Me in adoration before the Blessed Sacrament to pay homage to your crucified Savior.
I will come My children and sweep the hearts of mankind. There will come altercations within the universe and the sun, moon and the stars will pronounce the time of My visitation. My children, take heed for if you are striving to walk in the light, joy will then radiate from your heart and others will witness My love.
I will come and show the world the fullness of My mercy. You My children are being tempted now more than ever. Do not give in to Satan and his companions, for you are each the caretakers of your own souls. Conversion does not come in one day, one hour for you My children are being converted each and every day to prepare for the kingdom of heaven; but your hearts must be open.
I call My children to a 30 day Rosary for My chosen sons. I ask that you recite the joyful mysteries of the Rosary beginning on the feast of the Immaculate Conception of My Mother and offer each Rosary for My priests to remain united to the guidance of the Pope, and to shepherd their flocks in the truth.
Take this time My children to have quiet prayer to avoid the ways of the world that traps your soul in the darkness of sin. Listen My children, listen with great attentiveness for your Savior is calling you each back into the light of My love. Now go forth for I am Jesus and be at peace for My mercy and justice will prevail.
My child, I come to My children with a message of love. I tell each of My children that you are each the shepherd of your own soul, you are each the caretakers. There is no other besides you that shepherds your words, your thoughts, your actions. What deeds you do are all shepherd by you.
As you enter into this time of winter when the cold air comes in and the flowers and trees have no sign of life, I desire for you My children to meditate on My birth. I came and brought new life into the world so that mankind would not lose his soul to the darkness of sin.
You My children have been given the keys, the invitation into the kingdom of heaven. I came into the world and even remain here for you through the Eucharist to continue to bring light into your souls. You are the caretakers of your own destiny My children.
Come My children and allow Me to shine light into your souls and that is by the way of My Mother. She was and is the first example of obedience to the will of your Heavenly Father. Live by her example. You must respond to your life with the same words My Mother spoke to the angel Gabriel, "Let it be done to me according to thy will.”
The words of My Mother only echoed from the cross at My Crucifixion. When I spoke to My Father asking that this cup pass by Me, but let it not be My will, rather the will of My Father. If you seek heaven My children then you as caretaker of your own soul must shepherd your thoughts, actions and words to the will of your Heavenly Father. Now go forth My children with peace in your hearts for I am Jesus and all will be done according to My will.
My Child, the mountains will awaken, the hills will roll forth with great might as the earth opens up in the middle of America and you will no longer see a Grand Canyon rather a greater one.
You will see a war begin as the north will ignite manmade missiles against the south as the two Korea's cannot make peace with one another. I tell you My children you seek to find stability within the markets yet I tell you your peace is not in the ways of the world, for until humanity converts to My mercy greater turmoil will come.
You will hear thunderous cries of your brothers and sisters as the battle between heaven and the beast intensifies. Put on your armor My children and clothe yourself with the protection I have given you through the Eucharist, through fasting and prayer and most of all reconciliation.
You would not choose to attend a great feast wearing clothes that are soiled and smell as they are rotten for the gatekeeper would turn you away. Just as I tell you that heaven is awaiting you but you as caretaker must take care of the things that stain your soul so that they are removed so you are prepared for the time of My visitation for I am Jesus. Come My children and reconcile yourself before your King, now go forth in haste for I am Jesus and My mercy and justice will prevail.
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